


  • Scheduling policy is established by the Office of the Provost and implemented by the university registrar and academic deans.
  • The primary purpose of the scheduling policy is to ensure that students have access to workable schedules and can therefore complete their degree programs in a timely manner. Effective scheduling practices also lead to effective use of classroom space which is a strategy for assisting students towards graduation and is good stewardship of university resources.
  • Class schedules must be approved by the appropriate academic dean on the recommendation of the department or program and developed in accordance with the following guidelines and principles.
  • Credit-bearing课程, 他们的考试, and required class events have scheduling priority over all other activities that require the use of classrooms. Classrooms will not be scheduled for meeting use until after the registration week is ended.


  • 各院系在高峰时段安排的课程不应超过60%. Departments must make every effort to schedule some classes during non-peak hours to assist students in staying on track to graduation and to maximize use of classroom resources. 高峰时间是早上9点开始.m. – 3:00 p.m. (含)周一至周四. Peak time/non-peak time ratios are checked when the schedule is submitted and once classes have started.
  • All face-to-face courses on the main campus are expected to meet for 50 minutes per credit hour per week during a 15-week semester. 也被称为钟点. 例如, a 1-credit course will meet for a total of 50x15 = 750 minutes or 15 clock hours per semester.
  • 短期课程(迷你学期), 夏天的条款, Maymester) will meet for an equal amount of total time as the course scheduled for a 15-week semester.
  • 看到 教师手册, 一学时的定义, (第7章),以了解有关实验教学时间的具体规定, 特定学科的专业课, 混合课程和在线课程.
  • 各部门必须严格遵守批准的标准时间模式. 标准的会议时长为50分钟和75分钟. Courses that meet one time per week are normally scheduled for three hours in order to give time for breaks. Non-standard sections should be offered in multiples of these times to avoid end times that prevent students from registering for courses that follow the non-standard section. 院长必须审查和批准所有例外的标准开始/结束时间. Courses using non-standard times should schedule these in non-peak times or in special use classrooms.
  • Departments should schedule classes throughout the week and across the day to maximize the probability that students can develop a conflict-free schedule.
  • Departments are highly encouraged to schedule / pair blended classes with another blended course to maximize space use. 如果这是不可能的课程应该安排在高峰时间以外.
  • Multiple sections of the same course should be scheduled to maximize a variety of days and morning/afternoon distribution in order to increase student access to classes.
  • 学校可能会在他们管理的房间里先安排时间. 定稿前, the 注册商's office will use all available classrooms to assist other departments in need of space.
  • 所有课程都必须在课程表生效前指定一个教室. 如果教室不可用,课程必须移到开放时间/天.
  • Final exams will be given in the same room as the class unless prior arrangements are made at the beginning of the term for an alternate location and time.
  • 教师 may not change the appointed final exam time without approval of the academic dean and notification of the registrar. In some schools the final exam times are determined by the program director with approval by the academic dean and notification to the registrar.
  • The provost grants the registrar authority to move a class in which the enrollment is low and could be moved to a smaller classroom to allow a larger class to be scheduled in the room, 如果与相应的学术院长协商完成. The provost grants academic deans the authority to move low enrollment sections to smaller classrooms within their designated classrooms.
  • Classrooms may not be reserved for meeting use until the schedule is published for the advising period.
  • 教室容量由消防队长守则决定. 教室内的家具不得移动或移走. 座位数/房间属性每年6月由注册主任审查. The registrar will verify room attributes with the dean responsible for the building/room by June 30th. Any corrections to the room attributes will be communicated to the registrar in writing using the “Room Attributes” form.


  • At least six months prior to the registration period the registrar's office will copy the previous year's terms forward to the next like terms. At that time the academic deans will be notified and departments will be notified of schedule entry availability. This would normally be June 1 for the upcoming spring schedule and Nov 1 for the upcoming summer and Fall schedules.
  • Schedule entry will be closed two weeks prior to the first day of the advising period.
  • 一旦时间表条目关闭, all changes other than “DIETR” changes that can be made by dean's administrative assistants, will be communicated in writing to the registrar using the “Change of Schedule” forms with appropriate signatures.
  • The registrar's office should be notified by the academic dean if the scheduled room(s) is no longer required.
  • 在一个学期开始之后, departments must coordinate with the registrar's office and the academic dean in the event of a classroom change. 教师和部门不应该假设一个房间是可用的. Recording changes in classrooms insures correct recording and proper notification in case of emergencies.